Dr. Rex Lowe

Ecologist and phycologist, Professor Emeritus
Department of Biological Science
Bowling Green State University

Dr. Mary Power
Ecologist, Professor
Department of Integrative Biology
University of California Berkley
Dr. Kalina Manoylov

Phycologist; Professor
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
Georgia College and State University

Dr. Rosalina Stancheva Hristova
Phycologist; Chief Scientist
Department of Biological Sciences
California State University San Marcos
Dr. Weston Nowlin

Aquatic Ecologist; Professor
Community and Ecosystem Ecology
Texas State University
Lisa A. Matthias, M.F.A., M.Sc.

Dr. Sarah Kupferberg
Ecologist and frog expert; Visiting scholar,
Department of Integrative Biology
University of California Berkeley
Dr. Alessandro Catenazzi

Frog ecologist and conservationist, Assistant Professor
Tropical Conservation Institute, Biological Sciences
Florida International University

Dr. Lynn Brant
Environmental geologist and diatomist, Professor emeritus
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Northern Iowa
Dr. Jill Welter