- Bouma-Gregson, K, M.E. Power, P.C. Furey, C.J. Huckins, Y. Vadeboncoeur. 2021. Taxon-specific photosynthetic responses of attached algal assemblages to experimental translocation between river habitats. Freshwater Science. 40: 175–190. — Cover art selected for Journal frontpage!!
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- Weigel, B.L., J.R. Welter, & P.C. Furey 2020. Invertebrate grazing and epilithon assemblages control benthic nitrogen fixation in an N-limited river network. Freshwater Science. 39(3): 508–520.
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- Furey, P.C., K.M. Manoylov, & R.L. Lowe. 2020. New and interesting aerial diatom assemblages from southwestern Iceland. Phytotaxa. 428(3): 173–208.
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- Gordon, T.A.C., J. Neto-Cerejeira, P.C. Furey, & E. O’Gorman. 2018. Changes in feeding selectivity of freshwater invertebrates across a natural thermal gradient. Current Zoology (Special Issue on Ecology and Evolution along Environmental Gradients). 2: 231–242.
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- Furey, P.C., S.J. Kupferberg, & A.J. Lind. 2014. The perils of unpalatable periphyton: Didymosphenia and other mucilaginous stalked diatoms as food for tadpoles. Diatom Research, Special Issue: Didymosphenia SI. 29(3): 267–280.
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- Holomuzki, J.R., P.C. Furey, R.L. Lowe, & M.E. Power. 2013. Microdistributional variability of larval caddisflies in Mediterranean-climate streams in northern California. Western North American Naturalist. 73(3): 261–269.
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- Furey, P.C., S. Mayama, R.L. Lowe, & A. Catenazzi. 2012. Frankophila wayqechae sp. nov., a new aerophilic diatom species from the Peruvian Andes, South America. Diatom Research. 27: 165–175.
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- Furey, P.C., M.E. Power, R.L. Lowe, & A. Campbell-Craven. 2012. Midges, Cladophora and epiphytes: shifting interactions through succession. Freshwater Science. 31(1): 93–107.
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- Twiss, M.R., R.M.L. McKay, R.A. Bourbonniere, G.S. Bullerjahn, H.J. Carrick, R.E.H. Smith, J.G. Winter, N. D’Souza, P.C. Furey, A.R. Lashaway, M.A. Saxton, & S.W. Wilhelm. 2012. Diatoms abound in ice-covered Lake Erie: An investigation of offshore winter limnology in Lake Erie over the period 2007 to 2010. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 38(1): 18–30. *Highly cited paper award 2012 – among top 15 cited*
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- Brant, L. & P.C. Furey. 2011. Morphological variation in Eunotia serra, with a focus on the rimoportula. Diatom Research. 26(2): 221–226.
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- Furey, P.C., R.L. Lowe, & J.R. Johansen. 2009. Teratology in Eunotia taxa in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and description of Eunotia macroglossa sp. nov. Diatom Research. 24(2): 273–290.
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- Pavolv, A, T. Nakov, Z. Levkov, P.C. Furey, R.L. Lowe, & L. Ector. 2009. Luticola grupcei (Bacillariophyceae) – a new freshwater diatom from Mountain Baba (Macedonia) and Great Smoky Mountains National Park (U.S.A.): comparison with the type material of L. goeppertiana (Bleisch) D.G.Mann. Nova Hedwigia. 89: 147–164.
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- Power, M., R. Lowe, P.C. Furey, J. Welter, M. Limm, J. Finlay, C. Bode, S. Chang, M. Goodrich, & J. Sculley. 2009. Algal mats and insect emergence in rivers under Mediterranean climates: Towards photogrammetric surveillance. Freshwater Biology. 54(10): 2101–2115.
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- Furey, P.C., R.L. Lowe, & J.R. Johansen. 2007. Wet wall algal community response to in-field nutrient manipulation in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, U.S.A. Algological Studies. 125: 17–43.
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- Lowe, R.L, P.C. Furey, J.R. Ress, & J.R. Johansen. 2007. Diatom biodiversity and distribution on wetwalls in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Southeastern Naturalist. 6 (Special Issue Number 1): 135–152.
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- Johansen, J.R. , R.L. Lowe, S. Carty, K. Fučiková, C.E. Olsen, M.H. Fitzpatrick, J.R. Ress,& P.C. Furey. 2007. New algal species records for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, U.S.A., with an annotated checklist of all reported algal species for the park. South East Naturalist, 6 (Special Issue Number 1): 99–134.
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- Knapp, J.M., P.C. Furey, & R.L. Lowe. 2006. A comparison of the morphology and ultrastructure of the diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) Discostella stelligera (Cleve et Grunow) Houk et Klee and Discostella elentarii Alfinito et Tagliaventi from two New Zealand fiordland lakes. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 40: 429–438.
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- Furey, P.C., R.N. Nordin, & A. Mazumder. 2006. Littoral benthic marcroinvertebrates under contrasting drawdown in a reservoir and a natural lake. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 25(1): 19–31.
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- Furey, P.C., R.N. Nordin, & A. Mazumder. 2005. Water level drawdown affects physical and biogeochemical properties of littoral sediments. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management. 20(4): 280–295.
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- Furey, P.C. 2002. Cosmopolitan cyanobacteria. American Biology Teacher. 65(8):595–598.
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- Furey, P.C. 2002. Exotic Aquatic: the culturing of native vs. exotic species: a dilemma. American Biology Teacher. 64(1): 36–39.
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